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Open Letter to the SPB Parents of children in Faith Formation

November 25, 2023

Dear Parents (and all SPB Parishioners),

It has been two months since we began walking with you and your family as you prepare your children for a sacrament. Know that I have been praying for you during this special time as have your catechists. Being a disciple of Jesus is one challenge; being a disciple who shares faith with your child is an even greater challenge. The Holy Spirit is with you – do not be afraid!

It has been interesting to see what has happened here at SPB since we shifted the focus of faith formation and sacramental preparation from teachers in classrooms to companions walking with parents who then create an environment in their homes where faith in Jesus is central. Some of what has happened we expected; some has renewed our commitment to this different journey.

Of all the families who registered this summer for family faith formation and sacramental preparation, about 20% dropped out once they learned that it would no longer be a classroom experience. Of those who have stayed on this journey, many find it difficult to create time to walk with a catechist in their own journey of faith and even more difficult to find time to do this with their children. Catechists are spending much time reaching out to parents repeatedly, not always getting a response. I am sure the intentions are good; it is simply that the desire to explore their own walk with Jesus is proving problematic for some. All of us can relate to this difficulty - finding time for God is a real challenge.

As I write this, the image that comes to mind is Jesus’ parable of the Sower of the Seed from Matthew 13. For many of our parents (and for many of us) the seed falls on the path, on rocky ground, and amid thorns – all of which inhibit the grace of the seed of faith from growing strong in our families. That we have adopted this different journey in faith formation has pulled back the cover on this reality in our Church (not just at SPB) to shine light on this truth and no longer allow ourselves to be satisfied with the false impression that we are doing what is needed by sending our children to religious education classes.

As you know, the parable does not end there. Jesus teaches us that some seed fell on rich soil that produced an abundant harvest. That is the story that some of our catechists and parishioners are telling who have seen what can happen in our homes when we take discipleship seriously and not outsource it to anyone else. Some parents are taking this opportunity to engage in a relationship with Jesus that eluded them in their many years of religious ed classes. Some are finding strength in the witness of other families with whom they are meeting from time to time. Some are getting beyond their fear and their weakness (fear and weakness that we all have) to encounter Christ and allow their children to witness this journey and share it with them. The abundance of this fruit is just beginning to be harvested. Praise God!

As a first-time pilot program, we have stumbled on multiple occasions, but what cannot be denied has been the dedication and commitment of our 16 catechists who are walking with these families. If this program were to work properly, we would need at least 40 catechists to give parents the support they need, given that some of our current catechists are working with 8, 9 or 10 families!

It is also interesting that only 2 families in the parish stepped forward to engage in faith formation who do not have children in proximate preparation for a sacrament (this year). Imagine if all families with children stepped forward to be on this journey, or do we only need to do this before a sacrament (meaning that you and your family will not be in any specific journey of faith formation from First Communion to Confirmation)? That is a challenge for next year. But regardless, imagine the catechists we will need here at SPB?

In this model, we are not using classroom teachers as catechists. We are using faithful parishioners, old and young, to walk with other faithful parishioners who are trying to grow in their faith and trying to share that faith with their children. Many of us simply respond: “I can’t do that!” Imagine where our Church would be if the Christians of the first three centuries of Christianity said that. There were no religious ed classes then, and the faith blossomed by the lived witness of so many who were willing to walk with others on the journey of faith. They empowered many to uphold the faith even to the point of martyrdom. Where is that zeal here at SPB?

It is in each of us! That zeal needs to be awakened in us as servants who desire to walk with others in faith. To give up time doing other things so as to make Christ the center of our lives and the lives of our families is one of the greatest sacrifices we can make, regardless of our sinner or saint status.

I have heard our catechists say that in some of our cultural groups husbands are used to taking a back seat in this process, preferring their wives to care for this area of family life. I invite those men to stand in strong opposition to that mentality which can destroy the power of married life. I challenge those men to transform the family into rich soil for God’s grace. No one in the family can absent themselves, cultural norm or not. Husbands and wives are in this together. Know that we support you in this wonderful and difficult time - raising a family in Christ is really hard work!


What a blessing God’s grace is when we see it come alive and produce much fruit as I see it in so many of our families here at SPB. We need all of our families to recommit to this journey. We need parishioners to consider being catechists. We need all parishioners to share the responsibility of witnessing the power of grace to transform our lives when we sacrifice (even a small amount) as Christ did on the cross. We invite our homebound parishioners to pray and offer their sufferings for these families who are trying their best to create a homelife centered on Jesus.

But above all, we need a rebirth of discipleship in our midst that will continue to manifest the truth of the Gospel and the deep joy and peace that comes with following Jesus. May God continue to bless us in this journey of ever deepening faith formation for the young, the old, and all those in between at SPB!


Fr. Mike

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