Endowment Fund

"Leaving a Legacy for the Future"

Many parishioners find that remembering their parish in their Will or Estate Planning is a significant way to thank the Lord for all of life's blessings. The church has been part of your life since Baptism and the significant events throughout your adulthood. In leaving a legacy to our Parish Endowment Fund, you will continue to be a part of the future of the parish. A planned gift will help build the endowment for future needs of our Parish Endowment Fund and parishioners for generations to come.

The purpose of the St. Philip Benizi Parish Endowment Fund is to provide support for the general Mission of the parish. Recommendations are made by the Endowment Committee and approved by the Pastor. Endowment Funds enhance the financial stability of the parish for the future. The Fund has been specifically established as a Catholic legacy to support the general Mission of the Church and to provide an opportunity for parishioners to make a lasting gift to the parish. The principal of the Fund keeps on growing; only the interest is spent.


  • Cash 
  • Securities
  • Life Insurance
  • Retirement Accounts
  • Real Estate
  • Collectibles
  • Other Assets

Donors can give during their lifetime, or later, through a bequest; through a charitable gift annuity or a charitable remainder trust. Donors may determine how their gifts are distributed by indicating what area they wish to support. Donors are also encouraged to consult their attorney when preparing or amending their Wills or Estate Plans. Envelopes are available in the church or Gathering Area for use in making a donation, or "in lieu of flowers". Donations may also be made in memory of a loved one.

Our Parish Endowment Fund is held and managed at the Catholic Foundation of North Georgia (CFNG) in Atlanta. The Catholic Foundation exists to help Catholics who want their gifts to have a lasting impact on the parishes, schools, and causes that mean the most to them. The mission of the CFNG is to support the ministries of the Catholic community through the effective, long-term management of Endowment Funds and the encouragement of Stewardship. The CFNG helps parishioners with their gift-planning and gives them the opportunity to make gifts from their assets to the Church. They will assist you in determining the best gift for your situation.

For questions or further information, please contact our Business Manager, Brian McKenna, at (770) 478-0178, ext. 105 or  bmckenna@stphilipbenizi.org.

"How shall I make a return to the Lord for all He has done for me?" (Psalm 116:12)

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