A person attending a SPB event and/or service who does not wish to have their image recorded should make their wishes known immediately to the photographer, and/or the Director of Communications (Melissa Langlois, 770-515-9346) and/or contact SPB at 591 Flint River Road, Jonesboro, GA, 30238, in writing of his/her intentions and include a photograph. You can contact Melissa at mlanglois@stphilipbenizi.org for questions and concerns. SPB will use the photo for identification purposes and will hold it in confidence. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation!

Photo & Video Disclaimer

St. Philip Benizi Catholic Church (SPB) uses photographs/videos taken at events and/or services in their media for the benefit of those who cannot attend and for sharing and promoting our community and the Good News with others. 


SPB may use the photographs/videos in publications or other media material produced, used, or contracted by SPB including but not limited to brochures, pictorials, invitations, and weekly/monthly bulletins.


A person attending a SPB event and/or service who does not wish to have their image recorded should make their wishes known immediately to the photographer, and/or the Director of Communications and/or contact SPB at 591 Flint River Road, Jonesboro, GA, 30238, in writing of his/her intentions and include a photograph. SPB will use the photo for identification purposes and will hold it in confidence.


Thank you for your understanding and cooperation!

Descargo de responsabilidad de fotos y videos


La Iglesia Católica St. Philip Benizi (SPB) publica fotografías/videos tomados en eventos y/o servicios en sus redes sociales para el beneficio de aquellos que no pueden asistir y para compartir y promover nuestra comunidad y las Buenas Nuevas con otros.

SPB puede usar las fotografías/videos en publicaciones u otro material de medios producido, usado o contratado por SPB incluye, entre otros, folletos, material gráfico, invitaciones y boletines semanales o mensuales.


Una persona que asista a un evento y/o servicio de SPB que no desee que se grabe su imagen debe comunicar sus deseos de inmediato al fotógrafo y/o al Director de Comunicaciones y/o comunicarse con SPB por escrito al 591 Flint River Road, Jonesboro, GA , 30238, e incluir una fotografía. SPB utilizará la foto con fines de identificación y mantendrá la confidencialidad.

¡Gracias por su comprensión y cooperación!

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