SPB Ministerial & Apostolic Engagement 2024


All of us are called to both ministerial and apostolic work as baptized Catholics. What is the difference between these two forms of the work of our faith? Ministry is classically understood as works for the good of the Church (internal), while the apostolate is that which we do to spread the Good News (external). While this may be an oversimplification of the works of faith, and some works have a mix of both, they place a spotlight on the two-fold nature of our baptism: that we accept the responsibility for the structures of our faith community; and that we also accept responsibility for its growth as evangelizers who share the grace that has been shared with us. Since we cannot do either apart from the vine who is Christ, we need to constantly ground ourselves in an ever-deepening relationship with Christ in the Church. However, we cannot wait until some perceived future when I will be “worthy/ready” to go out and spread the Good News. Ministry and Apostolate are both the work of the Holy Spirit, and we are obligated and honored to say yes to the call. A few weeks ago, I preached a homily asking all of us if we see ourselves as “guests” or “hosts”. That reflection may be helpful as you discern. Guests think this is for someone other than me. Hosts know it is our calling.


You can also call Melissa at 770-478-0178, ext. 150, to get started in ministry at SPB.




  • Ministers of Hospitality

Create a welcoming environment for parishioners, especially at liturgical events (Includes ushers, welcome desk, golf cart, parking, new parishioner welcome)

  • Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist

Assist with the distribution of the precious Body and Blood of Jesus during Mass.

  • Lectors

Proclaim the Word of God from the pulpit during Mass/Liturgies.

  • Sacristans

Set up/put away the sacred vessels and other items needed before and after Mass.

  • Altar Servers

Assist the priest/deacon during Mass. This is not just for young people.

  • Altar Linen Launderers

Launder at home the linens used for Mass.

  • Liturgical Environment/Decor

Assist in decorating the Church for special feasts and Sunday Mass flowers. 

  •  Children’s Liturgy of the Word

Lead 5–10-year-old children in a presentation of the Liturgy of the Word that is fitting for their age during Sunday Mass.

  • Music

Sing or play a musical instrument for SPB liturgies.

  • Counters

Help count the Sunday Collection (one weekday morning)

  • Tech Ministry

Assist with video and audio during Mass.

  • Wedding/ Quinceañera

Assist during weddings and quinceañera celebrations.

Office Help

Offer time in the Parish Office to answer phones and assist with light clerical work.

Event Arrangements

Coordinate the furniture arrangement/setup of rooms in all Church buildings for groups meeting in those areas.

Pastoral Council & Finance Council

Serve a term on one of the two parish consultative bodies.


Assist with the manual labor maintenance of the 8 buildings and 40 acres of our parish campus.


Assist with the maintenance, ordering, and digital conversion of our parish archives.

Spanish/English Translators

Serve as a Spanish/English translator for written materials and/or for simultaneous translation of parish meetings/events.



St. Vincent de Paul

Assist our local chapter of SVdP in serving the material needs of the poor in our area.

Santa Ana

Assist with the relationship and support of our sister parish in Honduras.


Serve as a spiritual companion to families and individuals who are deepening their commitment as disciples and preparing for sacraments.

Small Group Participant/Leader

Join with others to meet weekly as spiritual companions and to discuss the coming Sunday’s Gospel. 

Funeral Apostolate

Provide a post-funeral luncheon for grieving family members and friends in Founders’ Hall.

Peace Garden

Cultivate/grow fresh vegetables on parish grounds to be offered to those in need.

Prayer Partners

Commit to prayer and offering of sufferings for specific individuals/needs of the parish. This Apostolate is reserved for the shut-ins of our parish.

Visiting Sick/Shut Ins

Weekly visit and communion delivery to one or a number of parishioners in need.

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