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Welcome to St. Philip Benizi!

Eight hundred years ago, when St. Francis of Assisi decided to take seriously the call of God to follow his Son Jesus, he called upon the Holy Spirit to guide him as he searched the scriptures to decide how best to proceed. Today, the Holy Spirit guides us as well as we seek to follow God’s call, but many times we first search online to see what we can learn about engaging our faith. I am so glad that you have taken the time to visit our site. While we believe our website gives some good insights into who we are, it really can’t capture the experience of our faith community. I’d like to invite you to take another step and consider engaging us further!

We are people just like you, all with a past and a culture, all with a family and a story, all sinners hoping to be saints. Empowering Disciples Who Walk United is more than a tag line for our community. We believe that the Great Commission of Jesus cannot be made real unless we immerse ourselves ever deeper in the life of being a committed follower of The Lord who then go out together to share the Good News. You don’t need to pass any test to be a part of our community, nor do you need to embrace any ideologies. Rather, you simply need to be a seeker who, like St. Francis long ago, is willing to call on the Holy Spirit with others and is open to following together where the Spirit leads.

Come, reach out, connect with us in any way that works best for you. Know that you are welcome and loved!


Fr. Mike

Frequently Asked Questions

  • When are masses held?

    Our parish's schedule of masses is available by calling the church office or viewing our online calendar.

  • How do I become Catholic?

    We're glad you asked! We welcome you to contact the church office to meet with our pastor. We've also provided some introductory answers on this website.

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  • Where is the church located?

    An interactive map with driving directions from your location is available on this website.

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