
"Walking United, Empowering Disciples"

“Caminando Unidos, Empoderando a los Discipulos”

Call us at 770-478-0178


During the season of Lent, many of the faithful desire to receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation. We will continue to offer our regular schedule of Confessions (Reconciliation) on Wednesdays at 7pm during the Holy Hour and on Saturdays from 3pm to 4pm. We will have our Lenten Penance service on April 9th at 7pm. For your convenience, we are sharing with you the dates and times of the Penance Services in our Deanery during the Lenten Season. All are welcome.


St. Matthew Church (Tyrone) Penance Service: Thursday March 27th, 7:00 PM

St. John the Evangelist Parish (Hapeville) Penance Service: Monday, March 31st, 7:00 PM (note date change)

St. Gabriel’s Parish (Fayetteville) Penance Service: Tuesday, April 1st, 7:00 PM

St. Peter the Rock Catholic Church (The Rock) Penance Service: Thursday April 3rd, 7:00 PM

St. Philip Benizi (Jonesboro) Penance Service: Wednesday, April 9th, 7 PM


Online Giving to St. Vincent de Paul Jonesboro: CLICK HERE
Take the Disciple Making Survey Now!

St. Philip Benizi Catholic Church is on a journey to know, love, and serve Christ in our parish community. Together we must embrace Christ’s vision for missionary discipleship so our parish can thrive and be a place for others to grow together in faith.


The very first step in this process involves assessing our greatest strengths and opportunities, and that is where the Disciple Maker Index (DMI)  comes in! The DMI is an important survey tool that invites you to reflect on your discipleship journey here at SPB.

The Disciple Maker Index is designed to:


  • Invite parishioners to reflect on their journey of discipleship.
  • Enable parish leadership to make data-driven decisions. 
  • Help parishioners grow in their faith.


 All responses will be confidential, and the parish will only receive information about the community as a whole.

Together we must embrace Christ’s vision for missionary discipleship so our parish can thrive and be a place for others to grow together in faith. Please continue to pray for this intention and for the growth and protection of our parish. 

St. Philip Benizi está participando en un proceso para conocer, amar y servir a Cristo en nuestra comunidad parroquial. Juntos debemos abrazar la visión de Cristo sobre el discipulado misionero para que nuestra parroquia pueda prosperar y ser un lugar para que otros crezcan juntos en la fe.


 El Índice de Creadores de Discípulos está diseñado para:


 • Invitar a los feligreses a reflexionar sobre su jornada de discipulado.

• Hacer posible que los líderes de la parroquia tomen decisiones basadas en datos

• Ayudar a los feligreses a crecer en su fe.


Todas las respuestas serán confidenciales y la parroquia solo recibirá información sobre la comunidad en su conjunto. Compartiremos el enlace con usted un poco más cerca del lanzamiento de la encuesta.

También habrá encuestas en papel disponibles para aquellos que no puedan completar la encuesta en línea. Juntos, identificaremos nuestras fortalezas y oportunidades con mayor detalle a medida que nos esforzamos por crecer en el discipulado misionero.

 Continúe orando por esta intención y por el crecimiento y protección de nuestra parroquia.

Encuesta Índice Creador de Discípulos

Become an SPB Community Member / Conviértase en Miembro de la Comunidad de SPB

Join our vibrant community as a registered parishioner! This way, you will be able to register your children for faith formation / sacramental prep, use our parish rooms and hall, etc. 

¡Únete a nuestra vibrante comunidad como feligrés registrado! De esta manera, podrá inscribir a sus hijos para la formación de la fe / preparación sacramental, usar nuestras salas y sala parroquial, etc. 

Help Us Fund Our Mission / Ayúdenos a financiar nuestra misión

By donating online, you help fund our ministries, parish debts, and help us with resources that allow us keep Empowering Disciples at SPB. 

Al donar en línea, usted ayuda a financiar nuestros ministerios, deudas parroquiales, y nos ayuda con los recursos que nos permiten mantener Discípulos Empoderadores en SPB. 

SPB's Calendar and Reservations / Calendario y Reservaciones de SPB

Looking to reserve a room or to schedule a special mass, like a baptism, wedding, funeral, or Quinceañera? You can use our parish calendar to see if there is availability. 

Email Melissa to reserve a room at mlanglois@stphilipbenizi.org and email Patricia to schedule a special mass at pturmel@stphilipbenizi.org

¿Busca reservar una habitación o programar una misa especial, como un bautismo, boda, funeral o quinceañera? Puede utilizar nuestro calendario parroquial para ver si hay disponibilidad. 

Envíe un correo electrónico a Melissa para reservar una habitación en mlanglois@stphilipbenizi.org y envíe un correo electrónico a Patricia para programar una misa especial en pturmel@stphilipbenizi.org 

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What is FORMED? It is an online streaming service that "brings beautiful and faithful Catholic content to parishes, families, and individuals. There is something for everyone here: award-winning studies and parish programs, inspiring audio content, movies, e-books, and family-friendly kids' programming. Led by the Augustine Institute and Ignatius Press, and in collaboration with over 100 content providers, this site reaches more than one million subscribers worldwide."

Signing up for FORMED is quick and easy. Just follow the simple instructions below. 

1. Go to formed.org/signup

2. Search for St. Philip Benizi by Zip Code, 30238. Click on our parish. 

3. Register with your name and email address.

4. Check that email account for a link to begin using FORMED.

Learn more at formed.org

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